Tuesday, March 15, 2011

International Jobs and your sense of humor

Building an international career is not for people without a good sense of humor. By now you know that getting your job abroad calls for you to spend time in four areas of knowledge and skills:
Learning the legalities of the country's job market;
Making yourself competitive against other job seekers by knowing what you have to offer and presenting it in clear and understandable way;
Understanding and accepting the cultural differences in your new home;
Developing job-specific skills to land your assignment.
For more detail see our most recent Careers Newsletters on our website: www.ili.cc, in Newsletters section.
In addition to being sure you have the necessary knowledge of yourself, of what you want and what you can do best, and of the country you want to work and live in, as well as useful skills, you also have to supply yourself with an attitude of gratitude that combines thankfulness with determination, imagination, flexibility and great sense of humor. Without the "right" attitude, it'll be challenging to put down roots and begin developing and international career while also enjoying every minute of doing so. 

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