Sunday, August 12, 2012

Next Redirect program, in September in Prague

We are announcing our next career development seminar, Redirect, in Prague. Here are the details. If you are interested, please send us an email at You can go to our website,, for more information.
Redirect: a new approach to life and work
Are you using all your talents, experience, dreams and personal abilities to the maximum?

Sometimes you can get “stuck” in a way of living that’s less than what you know you can do. If you are feeling that you haven’t fully developed your unique set of possibilities, the Redirect program can help you assess what you have, what you’ve done, and where you are heading.

Redirect offers assistance to you in five important areas:

1.      Redirecting your current career: changing the direction of your stalled, stale career

2.      Becoming an entrepreneur: finding ways to bring your career and personal dreams into reality

3.      Using your education and experiences to help the people you care about in their areas of need

4.      Making a fresh, new start after a major life change

5.      Getting to know yourself better so that you can create a life of purpose and meaning.

Cost for seminar per participant is 800 Kč (includes all four 2-hour group sessions and one individual follow-up, scheduled to suit both seminar leaders and participant).
Our book, 21st Century Jobs, is recommended to all participants: seminar plus book costs 1000 Kč.
You may pay in cash or by bank transfer
Redirect for Fall 2012

There are four sessions; you attend all four, as each one builds on the previous sessions. Dates are September 3, 10, 17 & 24

 Monday, September 3, 7-9 pm. Why do you need to redirect your career and your life? What do you have to work with, in terms of skills, professional goals, and dreams?

Monday, September 10, 7-9 pm. What have you loved doing in your life? How can you do more of what you like and less of what you don’t like?

Monday, September 17, 7-9 pm. What prevents you from doing what you really want to do? How can you change this?

Monday, September 24, 7-9 pm. What one major career/ life change are you willing to commit? How will you make it happen?

Seminar location, to be arranged according to enrollment

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