After our successful organizational meeting at Bio Zahrada on Tuesday, we are excited to be offering the late summer 2013 Redirect seminar to our new participants! We have also decided to open the seminar to other people living in Prague who are interested in making a change in their lives.
What you have done in the past can be reshaped and refashioned into something new, better and different. We especially want to recommend this seminar (delivered in 4-2 hour sessions) to people who find themselves complaining about their job, feeling that they are not challenged and are not using all their potential.
Seminar Details:
Redirect Seminar, Session One of four.
Tuesday, August 20 at 18:15
at Monolok Cafe on Moravska 18 in Vinohrady (Please ask for Tusek table)
Cost for seminar: 1800 kc for four 2-hour sessions (8 hours total of meeting time).
Our book, 21st Century Jobs, is needed for the seminar; cost for the book is 200 kc.
If you think this may be helpful to you, please join us. We will have extra books and other materials for any new people who come to this first session.